Aylin The Cat 7777's Commission Information

I am able to draw:
✦ Felines, canines, rodents, leporidae, reptiles and birds.
✦ Mild blood and gore.
✦ Simplistic robots and monsters.

I am unable to draw:
✦ NSFW/suggestive content.
✦ Illegal content.
✦ Religious content.
✦ Extremely complex designs.
✦ Humans.

Important Information

✦ My turnaround time is from a week to two months.
✦ There will be no refunds once the product is finished. Any attempts of chargebacks (if the product is finished) will be met with a public blacklist and warning towards the public.
✦ Additional character within a piece of artwork/animation will be an additional $3.
✦ I only accept payment through PayPal. I refuse any other application to transfer through or currency, such as Cash App, cryptocurrency, DeviantArt points, etc.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me by messaging me through my Instagram or Discord!